Monday, August 13, 2007

Delays, Meteors, and a possible new scope

Sorry for the delays, I've been rather busy and haven't been observing much. The good news is that I have found a GREAT deal on a used 8" Meade LX200R GPS, a fantastic Go-To SCT that is the only scope I should ever need. It is barely used, yet I'll be saving over $1500. SWEET. Hope to have it in a couple weeks.

In order to get the funds together, I sold a few pieces of my prop collection (nothing worth keeping), plus an older iPod (I had too many) and my 7 year old PowerBook (which I'll miss a little). No worries, this is all for the greater good.

I missed the Perseid meteor shower - I was at the Steeler game on Saturday, and was VERY tired already from a late night on Friday. Sunday was cloudy as I went to look at 11:30PM, so I gave up in favor of sleep. Next time...I hope...


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