Saturn through the barlowed 25mm eyepiece was about 56X magnification, and showed two moons and defined rings. I need to get a 8mm or so to really max out the magnification of the scope - it was a great view.
Jupiter was high in the darker eastern part of the sky, and the larger magnification helped me see 2 or 3 bands of color across the surface of the planet. The 4 large moons showed up 2 per side, making a nice view in the eyepiece. I'm sure the 8mm would be worth every penny on this planet as well.

What I didn't remember, however, was that the ISS (International Space Station) was due to pass by the moon just before 11PM. Not only that, but the recently undocked shuttle would be following it, only 10 degrees or so behind. Only after I came in did I read how great a sight it was. RATS. Hopefully my brother in VA got to see it (he's been waiting all week).
As usual, I picked out M13 to close out the night. One of these days I'll get out my charts and plan an actual session. Likely I'll save that for a star party with darker skies and more time.
We had 'n blue moon June the 30th here in South Africa. Quit nice.Not realy blue bur because of two full moons in one month. Stargazing also intrest me but I go out more in summertime.Winters are quit cold at 10:00pm at night.
South Africa! How amazing that you found my little blog here in the US. I imagine you've got a wonderful view of the sky down there - lots of things us northerners can't see!
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