Thursday, December 13, 2007


I was able to observe for about 25 minutes tonight. Problems with my finder scope and the odd patch of clouds hindered my session quite a bit, but I did get some time to view M42, the Pleiades, and Mars. At the clearest parts of the session, I had Mars near 200x, and was starting to detect some "seas" of darker color to the right of my view. Still, clouds came and ruined everything, and I packed it in after no further clearings looked likely.

New Year's Resolution: more aperture and GoTo. Passed on a few LX90s already this year, as I knew the weather wouldn't cooperate much in Dec/Jan, and I'd hate lugging an 8" SCT out for a 10 minute session.

I'm thinking of getting one of those inexpensive iOptron "Cube" alt/az mounts and a used 4" achromat just to have a grab-n-go scope for the winter. If it doesn't work well, I'm only out a few hundred :)

Clear (winter) skies,

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Comet Holmes - WOW.

I haven't posted in a while, but I have been doing some observing as time allows. I meant to post about the last Mingo Creek star party, but never got around to it. But who knew then what October had in store? Comet Holmes, baby!

As many (if not most, by now) amateur astronomers have heard, this past week Comet 17P/Holmes jumped from a mag 17 to a mag 2-3. It took only a few days, and the coma surrounding it appears to be growing larger still (though the magnitude may be dimming).

I first saw it earlier this week, and it was an easy find in Perseus in the NE sky. Even my 6 year old found it, saying he could see that the star was "fuzzy". He claims to have seen it in the 10x50 binoculars, but I can't say for sure that he did.

And what a view! In my 10x50s, Holmes is a big ball of dust, with at least two sections to the coma. I see mostly yellow with a hint of green. I used the reflector and a 15mm eyepiece, but really had more fun looking through the binoculars.

This is historic, and a wonderful treat for Halloween. We've been blessed with wide open skies here in western PA, so I've been looking at it every chance I get!

Also at night, the Pleiades are as wonderful as ever, and M31 (Andromeda) is still a great find. In the morning, Orion is blazing away, and I caught Venus and Mars yesterday and today. Even today, in the Giant Eagle parking lot at 6AM with lights and the moon ablaze, I was able to see Orion and Mars. I love fall observing!
I hope to get the scope on Mars sometime this weekend. I really want to spend some quality time with it.


Thursday, October 4, 2007

More Orion

Took another early morning peak at M42, this time with the reflector. Hard to resist a calm, clear morning when it's so easily spotted in the sky. Since the moon was out and it was nearing dawn, there wasn't a lot of detail (oh, and my scope has a tiny I decided to spend a few minutes looking at the moon's terminator instead, since it was much more detailed. I'm dying for a larger scope!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Orion Surprise

I left for work early today, around 6:30AM. The sun hadn't come up yet, but most of the sky was covered in a thin layer of clouds. As I went to my car, I happened to glance up at the southern sky. There was Orion, perfectly placed in my view. Orion is my favorite constellation - easy to find, bright stars of various colors, and nebulas visible to the naked eye. I happened to have my 10x50s handy in the car, so I picked them up for a quick look at the sword and M42. Great stuff!

As I drove into Pittsburgh, the sun started to rise, and the colors of the sky were amazing. I love fall in PA.

Can't wait for winter, when the hunter is more visible and skies are more dry and calm (I hope!)

Clear skies,

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Training at Mingo Creek Observatory

I was very excited and honored to be part of the first training class at the Mingo Creek Observatory over the weekend. Who knew the hobby would bite me so hard? :)

During the training, I learned the ins and outs of opening and using the observatory, and got some hands on training with the two massive scopes there (24" GoTo reflector, 10" refractor). The 24 has the new StellaCam3, a CCD camera which offers some pretty dang impressive views of DSOs through just the attached 5" refractor. I can only imagine what a larger scope can do. The 10" is a beauty - just a massive scope on an equally massive steel and aluminum EQ mount, all set on a pier. You have to really shove it to get it's fun :)

I stayed over the dinner break and watched part of the new Timothy Ferris PBS special "Seeing in the Dark". I will TiVo it later this month when it comes on. Great stuff for amateurs like myself. Who knew former Viking's running back Robert Smith was an avid skywatcher? Cool!

After dinner I did some more hands-on stuff and watched as the StellaCam3 was put into action. With a 30-second exposure we were able to see the central star in the Ring Nebula, and the nebula itself was bright and well formed.

I called it a night at 9PM so that I could spend some time with my wife - I'd been out for almost 6 hours at that point. The night was mostly cloudy, and the south was a complete washout with clouds and smoke from some concert's fireworks. I'll go back next week (now that I'm cleared to use the Observatory!) when my brother is in town.

Thanks to all of the AAAP members who helped with the training - it was a blast, and again, I am honored to be a part of the keyholder team. The picture below, from member Al Paslow's site, is the newly trained team. I'm the goof in the jeans, sunglasses and Firefly "Blue Sun" t-shirt.


Friday, August 31, 2007


Just a quick update to a few previous posts, as well as a short observing note.

I did manage to catch some Perseid meteors after all, spending about an hour outside on the Sunday before it ended. I was able to catch 4 good solid streaks, though I likely missed some while goofing with the binoculars. Glad I didn't miss them this year! Managed to get sidetracked pretty bad a day later with a kidney stone. I would not recommend that anyone get one of these...drink lots of water, kids!

As for the new scope...the deal on the LX200 was amazing, but my wife and I decided we should concentrate on getting the house done (we're in the middle of a major remodel including the kitchen, bath, and deck). There will always be scopes to buy, thanks to :) I put the money in my savings account. With football starting soon, I'm tempted to buy a 50" plasma, too. I need a 2nd job I guess.

And finally, I managed to see the Andromeda Galaxy tonight in my Nikons as well as 'ol blue. Reaction? YAWN. I need darker skies and a larger scope. MUST HAVE MORE DETAIL :)

I'll be headed off to Mingo next weekend for a training session on the observatory and the gear inside. There's a Star Party afterwards, should the skies cooperate. I'm very excited to meet more AAAP members when the sun is out - it's easier to get to know people when you're not all standing in the dark!

Until next time,

Monday, August 13, 2007

Delays, Meteors, and a possible new scope

Sorry for the delays, I've been rather busy and haven't been observing much. The good news is that I have found a GREAT deal on a used 8" Meade LX200R GPS, a fantastic Go-To SCT that is the only scope I should ever need. It is barely used, yet I'll be saving over $1500. SWEET. Hope to have it in a couple weeks.

In order to get the funds together, I sold a few pieces of my prop collection (nothing worth keeping), plus an older iPod (I had too many) and my 7 year old PowerBook (which I'll miss a little). No worries, this is all for the greater good.

I missed the Perseid meteor shower - I was at the Steeler game on Saturday, and was VERY tired already from a late night on Friday. Sunday was cloudy as I went to look at 11:30PM, so I gave up in favor of sleep. Next time...I hope...


Monday, July 16, 2007

Trees, Trees, Everywhere Trees

Would it be too nutjob of me to request that all of my neighbors cut down their trees? I thought so.

I was trying to get a clean shot of Jupiter (near Scorpius) over the weekend, and by the time I was able to get outside Jove had fallen behind the tree line. Sure, I could just barely get a shot between the trees at low power, but that's not good enough for me :)

So, those trees have to go. Or I need a higher driveway...

Monday, July 9, 2007

Friday Night at Mingo Star Party

I journeyed out to Mingo park again on Friday, where the AAAP was holding another weekend of star parties. I meant to go Saturday, but Friday was looking good and my kids somehow got to bed early. Go figure!

I brought my usual gear, but this was the first time with the new eyepieces and case (pics coming soon). I setup my tripod, for the camera and binoculars, my scope (‘ol Blue), my beach chair and the small equipment table. The table is actually a kids folding table that I steal from my 6 year old. Remind me to get a real observing table.

Venus and Saturn were close together, but setting fast. I used the barlowed 9mm to view them both at 155x, which was a treat. It’s the largest I’ve seen either in this scope, and they both looked great. They moved fast, so I decided to try Jupiter for a while.

Jupiter stayed out all night, and Mingo has a GREAT view of the southern sky. I saw more in the south tonight than I ever have before. Jupiter and the 4 main moons barely fit into the eyepiece view at 155x, but I got them. Better detail than I expected, including 2 cloud bands and possibly the red spot (I may have seen it, or I may have wanted to see it so badly that I faked my own eyes out ;-)). At that magnification, it moved out of view FAST. Tracking would be a good thing to have on the next scope, so maybe the Dob is out after all.

By far, my favorites of the night came from Sagittarius, where I was able to see several Messier objects with just the binoculars. I spotted M8 (Lagoon Nebula), M20 (Trifid Nebula), and M21 in what has to be the prettiest binocular-ready section of the sky. The Milky Way was “flowing” right out of the teapot of Sagittarius, and made my night. I can only imagine what darker sites would do for this part of the sky.

I also spent some time on Antares in Scorpius, and again used binoculars to find M4. By this point, I was also viewing M4 and M25 through the 24” reflector Mingo’s observatory, so I was getting a little spoiled. This scope now features a rotating turret of eyepieces, so changing between the 5 or 6 magnifications was perfectly simple. A great star party addition, especially since those eyepieces were all Tele-Vue Naglers. What I’d give to have a set of those in my eyepiece arsenal! Someday!

I started packing up at about 12:45, just as a lovely reddish-brown moon rose behind me. I took several shots of the moon, none of which really worked. Ah well.

Overall, a great night! I met several new people, and I’m sure I’ll even remember their names someday (I’m terrible with names!).

Friday, June 29, 2007

Building a new Eyepiece Case

With my recent purchase of another eyepiece (a 9mm Super Plossl), I am slowly building up a collection of gear that is no longer fit for a shoebox ;) I decided to look at eyepiece cases, and found quite a few. Most are expensive, and I'm a cheapskate. I decided to take the advice of several online write-ups and bought a case at Lowes that should do the trick.

It's a tool case, but comes with an insert made of the "diced" foam - this allows for easy customization. I should be able to get all of my eyepieces (32mm, 25mm, 9mm, 2x barlow) into the case, with plenty of room left over for my LED flashlight.

I'll take pictures of the final case, but here's a picture of the Lowes case from their website. Should be around $25 in the stores (maybe less, maybe more, depending on sales).

Thursday, June 21, 2007

My Favorite Astronomy Books

I was lucky enough to get a bunch of new books lately, so I thought I'd create a post of my favorites for you to check out. I've mentioned some of these before, but I'm putting the whole lot here for easy reference :)

Astronomy Hacks
By Robert Thompson, Barbara Fritchman Thompson
This has become my bible of sorts. Always a good read, and plenty of things to keep the newbie busy. How to pick a scope, how to trick it out, computer gizmos to buy, etc. A must read.

The Stars: A New Way to See Them
H.A. Rey
Yes, the same H.A. Rey that wrote and illustrated Curious George books. He was also a scientist, and this book is a the coolest way to learn the constellations. My kids love it, I love it, you'll love it.

Terence Dickinson
This is one I just got, and like the Hacks book, it is a great beginners guide to all things astronomy. Lots of pictures, easy to read, and it is spiral-bound to lay flat. The 2006 edition has all new goodies, too.

Sky Atlas 2000.0
Wil Tirion
I just found the older 80's printing (black cover, spiral bound, unlaminated) at a half-price books store for under $9! Had to buy it, even if it is SO hardcore. This is an amazing book of star charts, well organized and full of great stuff to hunt down. The link is for the new edition, and has sprial bound laminated pages. Pricey, but a great resource.

Sky and Telescope's Pocket Sky Atlas
Roger W. Sinnott
An easy to use field guide full of star charts. Many deep sky objects, easy to read (even at night), and a super bargain. If you're not going to spend $75 on SkyAtlas 2000.0, this $10 book is right up your alley.

A beautiful night for Luna

Last night was clear and cool here in Western PA, so I took all of the gear outside for an hour or so. I finally got to use the new barlow to view Saturn and Jupiter at higher magnifications - what a difference! Saturn is lower in the sky now, and is blocked by trees from my driveway almost as soon as it is visible. I ended up wandering down the street to my neighbors driveway to get a better view - I'm sure they all think I'm nuts.

Saturn through the barlowed 25mm eyepiece was about 56X magnification, and showed two moons and defined rings. I need to get a 8mm or so to really max out the magnification of the scope - it was a great view.

Jupiter was high in the darker eastern part of the sky, and the larger magnification helped me see 2 or 3 bands of color across the surface of the planet. The 4 large moons showed up 2 per side, making a nice view in the eyepiece. I'm sure the 8mm would be worth every penny on this planet as well.

I got distracted by the moon midway through the viewing session - it was a bright crescent in the South West, and I spent a while looking at the surface at 56x in the 25mm and 22x in the 32mm. It was such a nice view that I took the picture you see at the right. I think this was taken at f3.2 and ISO100. I'd have to check. I used my Canon S2IS digital on a tripod, and used the 10 second timer. Not bad! Took about 15 shots, and this was the best.

What I didn't remember, however, was that the ISS (International Space Station) was due to pass by the moon just before 11PM. Not only that, but the recently undocked shuttle would be following it, only 10 degrees or so behind. Only after I came in did I read how great a sight it was. RATS. Hopefully my brother in VA got to see it (he's been waiting all week).

As usual, I picked out M13 to close out the night. One of these days I'll get out my charts and plan an actual session. Likely I'll save that for a star party with darker skies and more time.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Bought some new eyepieces

I found some inexpensive eyepieces on Ebay (SmartAstronomy's store, ebay id Ruby123) and decided to give them a try on 'ol Blue (the Bushnell 3" reflector). These are Guan Sheng eyepieces, rebranded for SmartAstronomy. As far as I can tell, there are others (including Celestron) that offer the same ones with different branding.

I bought a 32mm Super Plossl and a 2x Barlow (both 1 1/4" and fully multicoated). They arrived in only 2 days, were packed very well, and came with dust caps. They were further wrapped in small baggies and placed inside nice little boxes. The 32mm also has fold-down rubber eye guard. Nice touch.

The 32mm preformed well - nice eye relief, wide view (52 degrees, according to the specs), and good overall contrast and darkness of the sky. Stars appeared sharp to the edges of the field as well.

The barlow also worked well, but the focuser in 'ol Blue has a rivet inside that doesn't allow easy insert of longer eyepieces. Thank you Bushnell. I did get it in, but it isn't easy. Not the way to go when you're trying to do a simple swap to get a little closer to a DSO.

I did manage to get a nice view of M13, easy to pick out now that I'm learning my way around the sky. It was late when I tested, so the planets were out of view (behind trees or already set). I'll try the planets again soon.

Overall, a great deal at under $50 for both. I'll likely pick up a 9mm to go with the set, since the price is right and the company is SUPER easy to deal with.

The Homemade Dob that I mentioned last time out...

Here it is - amazing, right? It's based on the MiataScope and FlavioScope designs, with custom designs for the focuser, truss tubes, and spider. If I had the time and patience, I'd love to try my hand at building one of these, too. Someday!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Mingo Creek Star Party

What a night! This was my second trip out to Mingo, this time deciding to come alone. The boys had been out playing all day and were exhausted, so I put them to bed early and headed out to the observatory hill.

Earlier in the day, I dug out the old Bushnell 3" reflector that my wife had given me years ago. I never had much luck using it, and I’m fairly certain it was because I didn’t know what I was doing. That, plus the fact that the telescope shipped with two rather poor plastic lens eyepieces and an even worse 3x Barlow. The low powered eyepiece was now missing, along with two of the tripod wing nuts and the screw that connects the fine adjustment rod to the scope body. I hit the Ace Hardware to search for the wing nuts, only to discover that they were not 1/4-20 as I had hoped…they were metric. Eesh. Instead of 50-cent wing nuts, I was forced to buy two $2.35 metric ones. It was all in the name of science, so I can't complain :)

I sent an email to the AAAP group earlier in the day, asking for help with the eyepiece. A fellow member wrote back to say he had one for me to use, and I was thrilled. I’d have to worry about collimation later - I was already running out of time.

I arrived before sunset and set up next to Fred, the AAAP member that allowed me the use of his eyepiece. Fred's truck was full to the brim with astronomical goodies, and he was in the process of setting up his 11" Celestron SCT. His computer-controlled CG-E mount was stunning to look at – it was HUGE. I know what I want in a scope, and I know what I can afford…that CG-E mount will have to wait :)

Fred handed me one of his 25mm eyepieces, and I set about aligning the finder scope on my Bushnell. I'm fairly certain that the Bushnell folks found the worst finder and mount imaginable and placed them on my scope. This is the 3-thumbscrew single ring type, and so I ended up aligning it about 10 times over the course of the evening. This led to my yelling "A Telrad, my kingdom for a Telrad!" several times throughout the night. I'll be picking up that little helpful tool soon.

Overall, the Bushnell worked fine. With the focuser completely pulled in, I was able to keep decent focus all night. I'm fairly certain I need to collimate the heck out of this thing, but for a grab-n-go scope, it worked fine.

So what did I see with 'ol Blue? How about 3 planets and 5 planetary moons in 10 minutes? Not too shabby for my first real night of telescopic observing. Venus was out first, and the scope rendered a lovely half-circle in the eyepiece. As Fred explained to me earlier, it was in its greatest elongation of the year - at the greatest angular distance from the Sun as seen from Earth. Very cool little fact to learn.

Up next was Jupiter, blazing away towards the south. It was very bright, and visitors couldn’t believe that the bright “star” they were looking at was actually a planet. Jupiter showed himself as a beige disc, very crisp, and with a small darker band towards the bottom. All four of the Galilean moons were visible, with 3 clustered below and one fairly far above. Antares was just to the south-east of Jupiter, and was sparkling brightly all night. I kept thinking I was seeing an airplane – it was so colorful. Scorpius may be my new favorite constellation.

Then Saturn popped up, and I grabbed a clear enough view of it to see distinct rings. The last time I had used this scope was when my brother took it out in my backyard in Florida. He found Saturn, and it looked like a mushy blob. Tonight, Saturn was clearly defined and there was space between the planet and its rings. Amazing what a better eyepiece will do! Titan showed up as well, just a tiny pinprick below the planet.

I met several very nice people, as well. Lots of great gear, lots of great conversation. Some of my favorite moments were spent discussing the two homemade trussed Dobs that were brought. Amazing what is possible with hard work and some inventive use of plumbing parts. Can you make a Crayford focuser from PVC pipe and some plastic rollers taken from old data tapes? Apparently you can! I took a picture of this one, and I’ll try to post it tomorrow. Thanks to Gary for taking me on a tour of your handmade beauty of a Dob.

Later, as the party dwindled down to the last few cars, Fred showed me some of my favorites in his SCT. We looked at Jupiter again, M13, the Blackeye galaxy, the Ring nebula, and a "double-double". My first time seeing many of these!

Thanks again to everyone that came out to the party. I found myself saying “THIS is why I joined this club” several times. Plus, visitors actually liked looking in my scope to see Jupiter. I had a blast telling them what I knew about the equipment, the stars, the planets, and the AAAP. What a great night!

Best part? Fred let me keep that eyepiece...and I was out again on Sunday showing the kids those same three planets before they went to bed. There are some great memories in 'ol Blue afterall.

Until next time, may your skies be clear and your scopes be collimated!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Jupiter, baby!

Another clear night last night. I was busy working on a video project and didn't get out for long, but I did see a few things. I was helping my wife unload the groceries at about 10:30 (thank you 24 hour grocery stores), and she pointed out a bright star in the south east part of the sky. Big, bright, and yellow - I figured it had to be Jupiter.

I grabbed the Nikons and took a quick peek - and there it was, a lovely yellow disc with three small pinpoints in an angle alongside. Jupiter and three of his moons, perfectly framed in the eyepeices. Though that part of the sky is almost completely covered by trees in my neighborhood, there was a "hole" in the trees that Jupiter fit nicely into. I set the tripod and let my wife have a good long look, too :)

I tried to show her M44, but the sky had a bit of haze (and Venus being uber-bright in that part of the sky likely didn't help). No M44 tonight, and my wife called it quits. I stayed out for a few minutes, and used the averted vision trick again to see M13. Can't wait for a darker location to REALLY get some better looks at everything.

The moon was bright and lovely - a nice night for Luna gazing.

Monday, May 21, 2007

No star parties for me :(

I was busy with family on Friday, and so didn't get a chance to hit the Wagman start party in Allegheny county. I did have the binoculars out that night, showing my son Dylan, 6, the various constellations, Saturn, Venus, and that gorgeous sliver of a moon. I wish I had the tripod adapter, so that I could show him the Beehive, but it doesn't arrive until today. Otherwise, a nice night.

Saturday was the night I intended to go to Wagman's, and as luck would have it, it was cloudy and rainy all night. Here's hoping for some clear skies for next month.

Friday, May 18, 2007

May? Try November.

Stupid stupid stupid weather. That is all.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Amazing beginners book - Astronomy Hacks

Just wanted to give a quick shout-out to a book that I LOVE. A fellow AAAP member reminded me of it when he recommended it to me yesterday (two of us like it - so it must be good!).

The book is called Astronomy Hacks, by husband and wife team Robert Thompson and Barbara Fritchman Thompson. Click the link to find it on sale at

This book saved my time and money, and reading it was fun and informative. I'm still not done reading it, because I keep re-reading the early parts :)

Betelgeuse = Beetlejuice, so says I

Yeah, I know I'm not supposed to pronounce it "Beetle juice". I've read all of the origin stories, I've read the correct pronunciation(s), the "proper" way to refer to it, etc. But I've been using the "Beetle juice" pronunciation since childhood, and I can't shake it (nor do I really want to). Hopefully no one will mock me horrifically while out observing. I just can't bring myself to call it "Bait-al-jows-za". Maybe I'll go half way, to another known pronunciation: Bet-el-jooze. What do YOU call it?

Either way, I miss Orion. Seeing that constellation in the sky always makes me feel like a kid again. It's my favorite spot in the night sky, and full of SO many things to see. See you in the winter, pal!

Lousy lookin'

No worries - they're predicting a good weekend! Hopefully the weather gurus will actually be correct this time...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Black Forest Star Party - Sounds good!

Just found the link to the Black Forest star party in PA. May have to grab some camping gear and check that out. My brother, a fellow star nut, said he may come as well.

Anyone have any thoughts on this one? Seems like a no-brainer!

First Observation with the new Binoculars

I finally had the time and the cooperating weather conditions to try out my new Nikon 10x50 binoculars last night. Overall, it was a decent night, slightly cool, and there didn’t appear to be any real cloud cover. Some definite haze as the evening wore on, but it was intermittent. Good or bad, I was anxious to see something, anything, in my new gear.

I knew I was going to have a hard time seeing much of anything – I’m in McMurray, just 20 miles south of Pittsburgh, and so the NNE part of the sky was visibly lighter due to light pollution. I also have a fairly bright gas-powered post light in my front yard (yes, they do still exist!) I decided to concentrate on the western part of the sky, as I could keep my back to the light. There were more stars visible to my eye than I expected, especially towards zenith. I got excited :)

I had already popped open Stellarium on my Mac to check the night sky. I’m still a complete rookie, so I need all the help I can get! I found a few landmarks, grabbed my planisphere and ran outside. I started with Venus, super-bright as expected. I star-hopped (still learning that, too!) to the twins of Gemini, also fairly bright and easy to find. I knew Saturn was “chasing Leo”, so I decided to hop over to the giant planet for a look. Along the way, I ran into a something I’d never seen before – I actually gasped as it came into view. I wasn’t expecting to see anything out there, and there it was, a lovely cluster spread out before me. Not visible naked-eye, which made it all the more breathtaking.

I had just seen M44 (the Beehive Cluster, or Praesepe)! Sure, that’s an easy one, I suppose. But I hadn’t found any catalog objects before this, so I was pretty excited. Now I was determined to see more.

Saturn was bright and pleasing to look at…even if I was shaking the binocular a bit by now. Once I dig out my tripod, I should get some more steady views. I honestly didn’t think the 10x50’s would get so heavy! Not sure, but I may have seen one of Saturn’s moons to the right side. Did I?

After a trip of a few well-known constellations, I tried to look for Hercules. I knew M13 was out there, hiding somewhere in the light pollution. Hercules proved hard to see in my location, the lights were washing out that part of the sky. Still, I waited, trying to let my eyes adjust. It took me a while to sort out which stars were which – the planisphere can be hard to get your bearings with. I finally was able to pick out a pair of stars on the left side (Rho Herc, Pi Herc), so I hopped up those stars, up again to Eta, and over to Zeta. I hope I’m getting these names right ;) Back and forth between Eta and Zeta…nothing. Using the averted vision method, which I had read about the night before, I spotted it! M13, a small grey puff just between the two stars of the keystone. Two Messier objects and two planets on my first night! Time for bed…I’m sure I’ll dream about huge SCT’s and apochromatic refracters (see, I am researching!)

First Star Party

I attended the April star party held by the AAAP in Pittsburgh. The party was held at the Mingo Creek observatory in Washington County, about 25-30 minutes from my house. Beautiful night, calm, clear, and cool.

It was my first party, so I brought my wife and 6 year old along for company :)

I got to see some great images of Saturn (with Cassini seps and moons! WOW!) and a few Messier objects (M3, M42), plus good 'ol Luna as it waned. Even saw Venus in one of its phases. Doesn't hurt that they have amazing scopes to take a few peeks through!

My 6yr old got tired early, but he was loving every minute. When I go to the next one in May, maybe he'll stay home. We'll see. I have decided to dive head-first into the hobby, and that means I do a ton of research. I bought a planisphere and a few books, my favorite of which is called "Astronomy Hacks". I must-read for the beginner, worth every penny.

The books and research led me to my first astro-purchase: a pair of Nikon 10x50 binoculars. I'll start with these (who knew you could see SO much with binocs?) and keep asking about scopes. For now, I'm looking at either an 8-10" Dobsonian or I'll wait and save the pennies for an 8" SCT (Schmidt-Cassegrain) with go-to computer control. I may eventually need a small grab-and-go refractor, but the binocs should do fine for now. Hooked, hooked, hooked.

First Post!

I'm just getting started, but have a backlog of new things to post today. Ignore the dates :)